WiSe 2016/17

3D Computer Vision - Seminar

Instructors: Ph. D. Chuan Li; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wand
Shortname: 08.079.630
Course No.: 08.079.630
Course Type: Seminar

Requirements / organisational issues

Prerequisite are knowledge in at least one of the following areas:
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning / Data Mining
- Modelling I (in that case: part II recommended).

Further, you must have passed the basic lectures in math and programming (EiP, EiS).

The seminar is suitable for Bachelor and Master students. Topics will be chosen/adapted according to the study program.

Recommended reading list

Literature will be announced in the first week of the semester (first meeting).


The Seminar addresses applications of classic computer vision methods (object detection, data synthesis through generative statistical models) to 3D geometry data. This means, we do not only have 2D images but a "true" 3D representation of the objects we are reasoning about.
All of the relavant questions (object detection, recognition, classificaiton, object retrievel (search engies), feature matching, deep learning, example-based synthesis with generative models, etc. are of interest in our seminar.
This is a hot topic in research right now - we will look at both classic and current papers from research conferences & journals.

Additional information

Important: We will have an organizatorial meeting in the first week of the semester. It will be followed by a short introductoary lecture (up to 3-4 meetings), depending on the prior knowledge of the participants. The actual seminar will be held during the semester break, after the winter semester. We will decide on the time slot during the first meeting.


Date (Day of the week) Time Location
10/28/2016 (Friday) 14:00 - 16:00 04-426